Blog Journal #3: Copyright and Fair Use, Tech Implementation, and Newsletter Design

Copyright and fair use both pertain to the protection and usage of intellectual property. Copyright is a way to protect one's own intellectual property; this means others who wish to use an author's published ideas must gain permission from said author, give proper attribution, and/or even pay the author for use. Fair use was part of the Copyright Act of 1976 that permits users to utilize works for nonprofit educational purposes, within reasonable guidelines as to changes made, how much of the material is used, and what effect its use will have on its future value. Educators need to be mindful of such protections and guidelines not only to protect their own materials, but also when using other's materials. Teachers should educate their students on the legality behind of photocopying out of a book or using a video without crediting the creator so they can do so properly and legally. 

As we move further into, and through, the age of digitization it is crucial for educators to understand the integration of technology into their classrooms and how to navigate the issues that come along with it. One of the largest problems that comes with having technology in the classroom is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying needs to be nipped in the bud my encouraging kindness amongst students and teaching them about empathy. I would like to open the year with a lesson on online civility--how to speak to others online and proper conduct--and treating others the way you would like to be treated. Student privacy is also important to consider when allowing technology inside the classroom. Teachers need to educate their classes that privacy is paramount when using the internet--they are never to share their home or school address, their class schedule, or phone number with people they do not know in person.

The newsletter design assignment was a completely new kind of project for me as I had never done one before. I feel I could work on gearing the newsletter towards older students as I struggled to write beyond short and overly simplified sentences. The design aspect was what I most enjoyed as I love most anything creatively oriented. The skills learned in this assignment will help me in my career as teachers often send out newsletters to keep parents and students up to date on classroom events. Overall, I personally loved the newsletter design assignment and look forward to doing more in the future
