Blog Journal #4 : ELA, CPALMS, and Internet Searching

I found ELA Standard LAFS.6.RI.3.7 which I feel I both understood and feel mostly prepared to implement with my current skill set. Standard LAFS.6.RI.3.7 is for grade 6 and reads that by the end of the year, students should be able to utilize different means of informational media in addition to text in order to build their understanding of a topic or subject. At this point in time, I would say I would feel somewhat comfortable if asked to teach toward this particular standard. I enjoy integrating different forms of media into my own education and cannot foresee that changing as I become an educator myself. Teaching this to students, however, may prove to be somewhat difficult as students may get off task while on their computers or use improper or misinformed media.

After visiting the CPALMS website, I found the teacher resource for 7th grade math that included a lesson plan entitled "Playground Angles Part 1". This lesson plan is interactive and seems like it would engage students to have fun learning about angles. If I were to use this lesson plan, I would instruct students first on the different types of angles then provide them small building materials such as legos, rulers, q-tips, and tape to construct slides for their own desk playgrounds. They would then measure the angles created and sort them into acute, right, and obtuse angles. With this fun and interactive lesson plan, I believe students would leave with a better understanding of angles.

This week we covered tips on how to more efficiently search the internet for information. I had not previously realized Google possessed an advanced search feature. Going forward I see myself utilizing this feature to find the information I need faster. I also did not know the name of the featured webpages after an initial Google search, "snippets", though I use them frequently. A searching skill I use often that was not mentioned is the use of quotation marks around phrases to ensure the phrase appears in the search result exactly as searched.
