
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Journal #4 : ELA, CPALMS, and Internet Searching

I found ELA Standard LAFS.6.RI.3.7 which I feel I both understood and feel mostly prepared to implement with my current skill set. Standard LAFS.6.RI.3.7 is for grade 6 and reads that by the end of the year, students should be able to utilize different means of informational media in addition to text in order to build their understanding of a topic or subject. At this point in time, I would say I would feel somewhat comfortable if asked to teach toward this particular standard. I enjoy integrating different forms of media into my own education and cannot foresee that changing as I become an educator myself. Teaching this to students, however, may prove to be somewhat difficult as students may get off task while on their computers or use improper or misinformed media. After visiting the CPALMS website, I found the teacher resource for 7th grade math that included a lesson plan entitled "Playground Angles Part 1". This lesson plan is interactive and seems like it would engage s...

Blog Journal #3: Copyright and Fair Use, Tech Implementation, and Newsletter Design

Copyright and fair use both pertain to the protection and usage of intellectual property. Copyright is a way to protect one's own intellectual property; this means others who wish to use an author's published ideas must gain permission from said author, give proper attribution, and/or even pay the author for use. Fair use was part of the Copyright Act of 1976 that permits users to utilize works for nonprofit educational purposes, within reasonable guidelines as to changes made, how much of the material is used, and what effect its use will have on its future value. Educators need to be mindful of such protections and guidelines not only to protect their own materials, but also when using other's materials. Teachers should educate their students on the legality behind of photocopying out of a book or using a video without crediting the creator so they can do so properly and legally.  As we move further into, and through, the age of digitization it is crucial for educators to...

Portfolio Item 6: Image Attribution

  "students at computers"   by  erskinelibrary  is licensed under  CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Blog #2: MS Word, ISTE Standards, and "Digital Natives"

For as long as I can remember, I have been utilizing technology for my school work; the most prominent of the technologies I was using, was a word processing system, specifically MS Word. I would say my experience with MS Word has been, overall, quite mixed. During my K-12 years, when I even got certified in MS Office, I felt Word was great and suited the needs I had then.  Now, however, I am more partial to other word processing software such as Google Docs. In college, I have had numerous experiences with collaborative work, wherein multiple parties would need to edit the same document. For this purpose, MS Word began to feel a little outdated and clunky as it did not offer real-time options for collaborative editing. I now use Google Docs for all group work, but stick to using the online version of MS Word for solo assignments or personal writing. The most meaningful of the ISTE Standards, for me, was standard 2b which reads   "Advocate for equitable access to educatio...

Blog 1: Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Harley Rigdon. I am currently in my final semester at Florida State University pursuing my BA in Humanities. I was born and raised in a rural part of Florida and, while I love it, I do like to travel to experience new places and activities. After I graduate, I intend to get my teaching certificate to join the workforce as a teacher--undecided yet what grade level.  During my time in school, I've used a myriad of different technologies. While I was still in high school, I completed course work, and became certified, in all three Microsoft Office applications. We've all been apart of competitive Kahoot matches, which always added an element of fun to the day. Of course, during 2020 I, as well as many other students, experienced the majority of our lecture classes through Zoom and relied more heavily than ever on the Canvas infrastructure. I'm very lucky to have already started to build my PLN. I have many friends offline that are either in the midst...